Goelia residences vacances

General terms and conditions of sale


Terms and Conditions of Sale
Our general conditions of sale are in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Tourism of 29 December 2017.

Terms and conditions of sale

Article R. 211-1: The provisions of Titles I and II shall apply to any natural or legal person who engages in the transactions referred to in Article L. 211-1, subject to the provisions of the second sentence of Articles III, IV and V of that Article and to the provisions of Articles L. 211-7 and L. 211-17-3 relating to benefits sold under a general agreement concluded for the organization of business travel. The regulatory provisions of Titles I and II shall not apply to air and rail carriers issuing the tickets referred to in Article L(2) and (3)(V) respectively. 211-1. The operations for the issue of tickets provided for in the preceding paragraph must be carried out by air or rail carriers directly or by means of their own automated equipment implemented under their responsibility.

ARTICLE R. 211-1-1: The issue of tickets shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations or international agreements specific to the organization of transport.

ARTICLE R. 211-1-2: For the purposes of paragraphs B, II and III of Article L. 211-2, the travel service whose value is at least 25% of the amount of the combination represents a significant part. The form referred to in I of Article L. 211-3 is fixed by joint order of the Minister responsible for tourism and the Minister responsible for the economy and finance.

Article R. 211-2: Natural or legal persons registered in the register provided for in Article L. 141-3 must mention the name or business name and legal form of the undertaking or body, their registration number, the name and address of their guarantor and their insurer in their correspondence and the contractual documents. This information must also be included, where appropriate, on their websites. The name and address of the undertaking or body and its registration number must appear on non-contractual or advertising documents. The associations or non-profit organizations mentioned in the b of III of Article L. 211-18 shall indicate on their documents their name and address, as well as the name, address and registration number of the federation or union to which they are associated. This information must also be included, where appropriate, on their websites. The documents of a contractual nature must specify the names and addresses of the guarantor and the insurer of that federation or union. Any natural or legal person registered in the register referred to in Article L. 141-3 shall keep his books and documents at the disposal of the guarantor and of the persons authorized to consult them by the Minister responsible for tourism.

ARTICLE R. 211-3: Any offer or sale of the services mentioned in Article L. 211-1 shall give rise to the submission of appropriate documents which comply with the rules defined by this section.

Article R.211-3-1: The exchange of pre-contractual information or the making available of contractual terms shall be in writing. They can be done electronically. The name or business name and address of the organizer or retailer and the indication of his registration in the register provided for in Article L. 141-3 or, where appropriate, the name, address and indication of the registration of the federation or union referred to in the second paragraph of Article R shall be mentioned. 211-2.

Article R. 211-4: Prior to the conclusion of the contract, the organizer or retailer must provide the traveler with the following information: (1) The main characteristics of travel services: (a) The destination(s), itinerary and periods of stay, including dates and, where accommodation is included, the number of nights; (b) The means, characteristics and categories of transport, the places, dates and times of departure and return, the duration and place of stops and connections. Where the exact time is not yet determined, the organizer or retailer shall inform the traveler of the approximate time of departure and return; (c) The location, main characteristics and, where applicable, the tourist category of accommodation under the rules of the country of destination; (d) Meals provided; (e) Tours, excursions or other services included in the total price agreed for the contract; (f) Where not apparent from the context, whether any travel services will be provided to the traveler as a member of a group and, if possible, the approximate size of the group; (g) Where the benefit of other tourist services provided to the traveler is based on effective verbal communication, the language in which such services will be provided; (h) Information on whether the holiday trip or stay is, in general, suitable for persons with reduced mobility and, at the request of the traveler, precise information on the suitability of the holiday trip or stay for the needs of the traveler; (2) The legal name and geographical address of the organizer and the retailer, together with their telephone and, if applicable, electronic contact details; (3) The total price including taxes and, if applicable, any additional charges, fees or other costs, or, where these cannot reasonably be calculated before the conclusion of the contract, an indication of the type of additional costs that the traveler may still have to bear; (4) The terms of payment, including the amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit and the timetable for payment of the balance, or the financial guarantees to be paid or provided by the traveler; (5) The minimum number of persons required for the completion of the journey or stay and the deadline mentioned in III of Article L. 211-14 preceding the start of the journey or stay for a possible resolution of the contract in the event that this number is not reached; (6) General information concerning the conditions applicable to passports and visas, including the approximate duration of obtaining visas, as well as information on health formalities, of the country of destination; (7) A statement indicating that the traveler may terminate the contract at any time before the beginning of the journey or stay, subject to payment of appropriate resolution fees or, where applicable, standard resolution fees claimed by the organizer or retailer, in accordance with I of Article L. 211-14; (8) Information on compulsory or optional insurance covering the costs of the traveler’s resolution of the contract or on the cost of assistance, covering repatriation, in the event of an accident, illness or death. With regard to the packages defined in item L. 211-2, item A, item II (e), the organizer or retailer and the trader to whom the data are transmitted shall ensure that each of them provides, before the traveler is bound by a contract, the information listed in this item in so far as it is relevant for the travel services they offer. The form by which the information listed in this Article is brought to the attention of the traveler shall be fixed by joint order of the Minister responsible for tourism and the Minister responsible for the economy and finance. This decree specifies the minimum information to be made known to the traveler when the contract is concluded by telephone.

Article R.211-5: The information mentioned in 1°, 3°, 4°, 5° and 7° of Article R. 211-4 communicated to the traveler is part of the contract and may be modified only under the conditions defined in Article L. 211-9.

Article R. 211 – 6: The contract must contain, in addition to the information defined in Article R. 211-4, the following information: (1) The specific requirements of the traveler that the organizer or retailer has accepted; (2) A statement indicating that the organizer and the retailer are responsible for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract in accordance with Article L. 211-16 and that they are required to provide assistance to the traveler if he is in difficulty, in accordance with Article L. 211-17-1; (3) The name of the entity responsible for insolvency protection and its contact details, including its geographical address; (4) The name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and, where applicable, fax number of the local representative of the organizer or retailer, of a contact point or other service through which the traveler can quickly contact and communicate with the organizer or retailer in an effective manner, request assistance if the traveler is in difficulty or complain of any non-compliance found during the performance of the trip or stay; (5) A statement indicating that the traveler is required to communicate any non-conformity he finds during the execution of the journey or stay in accordance with II of Article L. 211-16; (6) When minors, unaccompanied by a parent or other authorized person, travel on the basis of a contract including accommodation, information enabling direct contact with the minor or the person responsible for the minor at the minor’s place of residence; (7) Information on the available internal complaints procedures and on the out-of-court dispute settlement mechanisms and, where appropriate, on the entity to which the trader belongs and on the online dispute settlement platform provided for in Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council; (8) Information on the right of the traveler to assign the contract to another traveler in accordance with Article L. 211-11. With regard to the packages defined in item L. 211-2(2)(A)(II), the trader to whom the data are transmitted shall inform the organizer or retailer of the conclusion of the contract giving rise to the creation of a package. The trader shall provide him with the information necessary to enable him to fulfill his obligations as organizer. As soon as the organizer or retailer is informed of the creation of a package, he shall provide the traveler, on a durable medium, with the information mentioned in 1° to 8°.

Article R.211 – 7: The traveler may assign his contract to an assignee who fulfills the same conditions as him to carry out the journey or stay, as long as this contract has not produced any effect. Unless the transferor is more favorable, he shall inform the organizer or the retailer of his decision by any means enabling an acknowledgement of receipt to be obtained no later than seven days before the start of the journey. This assignment is not subject to any prior authorization by the organizer or retailer.

Article R.211 – 8: Where the contract contains an express possibility of revising the price, within the limits laid down in Article L. 211-12, it shall state the precise methods for calculating, both upwards and downwards, the price variations, in particular the amount of the transport costs and taxes relating thereto, the currency or currencies which may have an impact on the price of the journey or of the stay, the part of the price to which the variation applies, and the price of the currency or currencies used as a reference when establishing the price contained in the contract. In the event of a reduction in the price, the organizer or retailer is entitled to deduct his actual administrative expenses from the reimbursement due to the traveler. At the request of the traveler, the organizer or retailer shall provide proof of these administrative expenses.

Article R. 211 – 9: When, before the traveler leaves, the organizer or retailer is obliged to make a modification to one of the essential elements of the contract, if he cannot satisfy the special requirements mentioned in 1° of Article R. 211-6, or in the event of a price increase of more than 8%, he informs the traveler as soon as possible, in a clear, understandable and apparent manner, on a durable medium: (1) The proposed amendments and, if applicable, their impact on the price of the trip or stay; (2) The reasonable period within which the traveler must communicate to the organizer or retailer the decision he makes; (3) The consequences of the traveler’s failure to reply within the prescribed time limit; (4) Where applicable, the other service offered and its price. Where changes in the contract or the replacement service result in a reduction in the quality of the journey or stay or in its cost, the traveler shall be entitled to an appropriate price reduction. If the contract is terminated and the traveler does not accept any other service, the organizer or retailer shall refund all payments made by or on behalf of the traveler as soon as possible and in any event no later than fourteen days after the termination of the contract, without prejudice to compensation pursuant to Article L. 211-17.

Article R.211-10: The organizer or retailer shall make the refunds required under Articles L. 211-14, II and III, or, under Article L. 211-14, I, shall refund all payments made by or on behalf of the traveler less the appropriate resolution costs. Such refunds to the traveler shall be made as soon as possible and in any event no later than fourteen days after the termination of the contract. In the case provided for in III of Article L. 211-14, the additional compensation that the traveler is likely to receive is at least equal to the penalty that he would have incurred if the cancelation had taken place on that date.

Article R.211 – 11: The aid due by the organizer or retailer pursuant to Article L. 211-17-1 consists in particular of: (1) To provide useful information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance; (2) To assist the traveler in making long-distance communications and in finding other travel services. The organizer or retailer shall be entitled to charge a reasonable price for such assistance if the difficulty is caused intentionally by the traveler or by his negligence. The invoiced price shall in no case exceed the actual costs incurred by the organizer or retailer.

Special conditions of sales Goélia -November, 27th, 2023

INFORMATION: Despite all of the care and attention applied in drafting the brochure, there may be some printing errors. The fundamental information concerning the trip (price, dates, hosting capacity, residence) and all imperative elements indicated as such by the client and guaranteed in the reservation voucher (for instance accommodation complying with disabled access standards) must be confirmed in writing by the seller before printing. The indication “where possible” of any particular observation does not mean that it may be in all instances possible.

PRICE: The prices, given in euros, are established on the basis of the applicable economic and financial conditions on the date of drafting this brochure. Any significant changes applied following the publication date (currency parity, VAT rates, local taxes, etc.)may lead to an equivalent modification of the price. In the event of modification, the consequent effect on the prices may apply immediately for all new bookings. For bookings which have already been made for future stays, an email or letter will be sent to the client, indicating the effect of the price modification: The client will have a period of two weeks following receipt of this information to accept the price modification (tacit agreement) or to cancel their stay, at no additional fee (cancellation requests must be submitted in writing in this case).

REGISTRATION FEES: For each booking, a fee of €12 is applied as administration fees for stays of up to 4 nights, and €25 for stays of more than 5 nights(26€ from November, 1st, 2023). These fees are applied on top of the accommodation and additional service costs indicated in the catalogue or on our website. They are non-refundable and must be paid in full at the time of registration.

REGISTRATION, PAYMENT OF DEPOSIT AND BALANCE: Any registration submitted by letter must be accompanied by a deposit of 25% of the total price of the stay (including VAT) and 100% of the administration fees and insurance cost (if this option has been selected), the remaining balance must be paid 5 weeks prior to departure at the latest. In the event of registration less than 5 weeks prior to departure, the total price of the stay must be paid for at the time of registration. If the online payment option is not used, the seller must receive the payment 72 hours (4 working days) following the registration of a reservation request (option). In the event of a last-minute reservation, the seller reserves the right to request the immediate payment, or to reduce the option period. Beyond this validity period, the option will be automatically cancelled. The booking is considered as definitive insofar as it has been confirmed by the seller in writing (an booking confirmation email will be sent). The client will then receive a booking confirmation document, indicating the features of the stay and any relevant notes.
Following payment of the balance due, the elements required for access to the locations will be sent to the buyer (exchange order for collecting keys, welcome desk contact details and opening hours, etc.). If the client has not paid the balance by the agreed date, even without prior notice, the stay will be cancelled. The client will then be required to pay any applicable cancellation fees of which they were informed at the time of registration.
Payment for stays may be made via cheque, bank card (CB, Visa, Mastercard, Amex), holiday vouchers, connect holiday e-vouchers (holiday vouchers and connect holiday e-vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash), bank transfer (with an additional €6 fee for international transfers). For all bookings made less than 21 days prior to the departure date,payment can only be made by credit card (secure payment link), or connect holiday vouchers (via your online booking only).

RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: The activities associated with the organisation and sale of travel or stays on a determined date or over a specified period are not subject to the 7-day cancellation period which applies to distance sales.

HOLIDAY VOUCHERS: Goélia has been approved by the Agence Nationale pour les Chèques Vacances [French National Agency for Holiday Vouchers]. These vouchers must be sent by letter with tracked delivery and confirmation of receipt. The vouchers (upper section) must not be removed. Your booking number must be indicated both in the service provider section and on the back of the holiday vouchers. Vouchers which are not sent by letter with tracked delivery and/or which are not received by Goélia are under the sole liability of the client. Holiday vouchers are not accepted for any bookings made within less than 21 days of departure. It is highly recommended that connect holiday e-vouchers are used (online bookings).

CANCELLATION: The cancellation of any stay must be confirmed in writing, sent by letter with tracked delivery or email with requested confirmation of receipt. The date of receipt of the letter will prevail and will be used to determine the total of the applicable fees, following the scale indicated below:
– More than 45 days before departure: €70 of cancellation fees 
– 44 to 31 days before departure: 25% of the total price of the stay 
– 30 to 16 days before departure: 50% of the total price of the stay 
– 15 to 8 days before departure: 75% of the total price of the stay 
– less than 8 days before departure: 100% of the total price of the stay. 
Any administration fees paid at the time of booking (€12 or €25) will not be reimbursed.
For the purpose of the reciprocity of the conditions for cancellation, if the seller should be unable to honour any of the essential information indicated in the booking, they may offer the buyer an equivalent solution or better accommodation at no additional cost. Failing agreement between the parties, the seller will fully reimburse any amounts already paid. If the seller’s cancellation is not due to any exceptional circumstances or a case of force majeure making access to the residence or accommodation impossible (fire, flooding, damage making it unfit for use, etc.), the buyer will receive compensation equivalent to the penalty they would have been required to pay themselves should they have cancelled the stay prior to departure.
For any request for refund via transfer and not cheque, a fee of €6 will be deducted to cover banking fees.
Regular operations such as “flash sales” or “private sales” may be subject to special conditions for cancellation, and these shall be specified at the time of registration (E.g. Non-refundable, non-flexible bookings). To avoid any subsequent issues, we strongly recommend taking out cancellation insurance.

ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: Administrative fees paid at the time of booking (€12 for stays of up to 4 nights, €26 euros for stays of more than 5 nights) are non-refundable and under no circumstances may they be reimbursed.

INTERRUPTION OF STAY / NO PRESENTATION : Any interrupted (curtailed) stay, early departure or service not used by the client, for any reason whatsoever, may not entail any reimbursement, in whole or in part. Any arrival outside the initial planned date of your stay will have to be decided with the residene for the delivery of keys. If you do not show up at the residence 45:00 hours after your expected date of arrival and without proof of absence, your stay will be considered canceled by our services, even if you do not give us written notice.

BOOKING MODIFICATIONS: Any changes to the stay in regard to its key features (accommodation, dates, type of accommodation) shall be processed as a cancellation followed by a new booking, with confirmation of receipt or by email with requested confirmation of receipt). The applicable fees are indicated in the “Cancellation” section hereof.

The implementation of regular promotions may in no case take on a retroactive nature. The prices applicable are those applicable on the date of booking and confirmed at the time of the booking request. If the buyer uses a discount as part of a promotional campaign, or a partner discount, for example, for their membership for an ESC or SOC, they must use this upon their initial booking. Once confirmation or the invoice has been issued, the buyer may no longer make use of a discount.

In the event of a request to change a stay within the same residence, if the total for the new booking request is higher than the total of the initial booking, the modification may be examined by Goélia if it is initiated more than 30 days ahead of departure (the deferral request must be sent to info@goelia.com).

TRANSFERRING BOOKINGS TO A THIRD PARTY: For various reasons, the buyer may not be present during the stay and transfer their reservation to a transferee (parent or friend of the transferor). In this case, the transferor retains civil liability for the transferee’s stay, and shall take all appropriate measures to provide occupants with information (family composition, general and special terms and conditions of sale, arrival and departure times, deposit payment, etc.). The transferor is obliged to notify the seller of any change in resident identity, by letter with tracked delivery or email with acknowledgement of receipt, by the latest 7 days prior to the start of the stay. They should indicate the number of participants, the ages of any children, full address of the transferee, and any other information requested at the time of the initial booking, in order to allow the seller to best prepare the stay. A modification fee of 35 euros is applicable. The principal purchaser may not assign his stay to a minor.

CANCELLATION OR MULTI-RISK INSURANCE, SNOW GUARANTEE: We strongly recommend taking out one of our insurance options when registering. The insurance costs start at €19 for cancellation insurance and at €29 for multi-risk insurance. The pricing varies depending on the accommodation and the stay details. The prices are scaled (% with minimum total) in line with the total price of the stay. If you add a service after the confirmation of the booking, the insurance total may change. Guarantees, exclusions and concessions, as well as the terms and conditions for refunds, are provided for in further detail in the Goélia Practical Information section on our website.Any insurance taken out is non-refundable.
Policy taken out wit MUTUAIDE ASSITANCE, a GROUPAMA Group company – 126 rue de la Piazza – CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX (FR).

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS : The number of people indicated per accommodation corresponds to the maximum occupancy permitted, given the equipment available. It may not be exceeded for reasons of safety and insurance. We hereby remind you that a baby is counted as a person. If the maximum occupancy is exceeded, the seller reserves the right to refuse the buyer access to the dwelling.

SPECIAL REQUESTS: These should be indicated at the time of registration, and are taken into account by site managers, insofar as possible and in line with existing availability, but can never be guaranteed.

WELCOME DESK HOURS: Unless otherwise subject to special agreement, arrivals most commonly take place on Saturday, generally from 3:30 PM and until 7:00 PM. Any arrival outside of the anticipated dates and times must be subject to a special agreement established with the site manager, failing which the seller may not be held liable, nor bear the cost of any nights required in a hotel. Departures most commonly take place on Saturday, generally from 8:00 AM until 10:00 AM.

INTERNAL RULES: So as to make sure that holidaymakers enjoy a pleasant stay, internal rules established by the operator of the residence and/or managing agent are available in each establishment. We would like to request that you kindly read these upon arrival and respect them throughout your stay. In the event of any clear failure to respect the internal rules, we reserve the right to invoice a minimum fixed fee of €150 as compensation for any damages caused, on top of the costs incurred by any repairs or replacements required.
LOCAL DISTURBANCES: The seller may not be held liable for any external disturbances which may affect, interrupt or impede the normal experience of the stay, particularly in the event of food shortages, power cuts, gas or water supply outages (due to strikes, water shortages caused by droughts, floods, etc.), the reduction, delaying or removal of activities and services offered by resorts (strikes, late openings or early closures of external establishments, weather conditions, etc.), environments considered to be noisy (very lively resorts, proximity to the pool, issues with neighbours, maintenance of gardens and communal areas in residences, nearby construction works, etc.). It is useful to reiterate that the tourist areas occasionally undergo development or renovation works, and the busy summer season sees large volumes of visitors to these areas. Consequently, the quality of the environment may be affected, and a certain number of disturbances may result from these circumstances.
DESCRIPTIONS: The photos features in this brochure include, for example purposes, a building front, a building or part of the complex presented. They are not binding insofar as the client may not be lodged in the building or building front presented. All general tourist information appearing in the brochure is provided by resorts, tourist offices, and local leisure service providers. It is provided for indicative purposes, without any commitment incurred by the seller, and reflects all information which it has been made aware by the printing date of the catalogue.

ON SITE: Any missing elements in the initial inventory must be notified by the buyer to our local representative within 48 hours of their arrival, so as to ensure that they do not suffer any inconveniences during the stay. This will be remedied insofar as possible. This is also the case for any imperfection (E.g. the client should ensure that the accommodation is clean when they arrive) or any technical faults. Under all circumstances, this information should be notified to the site manager during the stay. Any complaint submitted after the stay will be inadmissible if the site manager has not been informed and given the opportunity to remedy any complaints made. All observations should be sent by letter to Goélia’s registered offices in Evry (FR), within two weeks of the end of the stay.Upon confirmation of receipt from Goélia for the complaint letter, the seller shall have five weeks to respond. Should an amicable solution fail to be found, or failing response within a 60-day period, the client may refer their case to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman mediator, the details and conditions for which can be consulted at: www.mtv.travel (ordinance 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015, and decree 2015-1382 of 30 October 2015).

LIABILITY / PERSONAL BELONGINGS: The client is required to take out insurance against the risks inherent to occupancy of the reserved accommodation (thefts, losses or damage to personal belongings), as well as against damage which they may cause to the equipment leased, or damages which it may cause due to negligence. Goélia may not be held liable for the loss or leaving behind of personal belongings within the apartment when leaving the premises.
We would like to inform you that, concerning accommodation premises, the rental of tourist residences does not fall within the remit of hotel managers. Consequently, Goélia may not be held liable in the event of loss, theft or damage of personal belongings in our residences, be it in apartments, car parks or communal areas (E.g. ski lockers).

STANDARD FITTINGS : Goélia accommodation is fitted out for the number of people indicated and includes, notwithstanding any contrary indications, a kitchen with, at least, 2 electrical hobs, a fridge, a sink, a coffee maker, dishes and utensils necessary for preparing meals, a full bathroom with a bath or shower, a WC, separate or not, bed linen with covers or duvets, pillows or cushions, storage appropriate for the size of the accommodation and the season of occupancy, cleaning materials including a broom, dustpan and brush, bucket, mop and, in some cases, a vacuum cleaner. Some large elements (ironing board, cot, high chair, baby bath, etc.) are never included in accommodation. Several residences have a laundrette. The presence of a microwave oven or mini oven, television, dishwasher, kettle, toaster, etc. is indicated, when we are aware of such elements, in the description of the accommodation. Accommodation for individuals with disabilities: This accommodation which is most often larger than other accommodation of the same type, may be allocated to any client, without the additional space or specific equipment (such as support rail or bar, folding shower chair, wider doorways, etc.) being considered as different from a standard apartment, with equivalent conditions for number of guests and surface area. Unless otherwise indicated, the provision of household linen (sheets and pillowcases, towels and table linen, cloths, etc.) is not included in the lease and is offered as an option.

WEEKENDS: Unless established by means of a special agreement with the residence, arrivals are generally on Saturday, from 4:00 PM, and departures are before 10:00 AM (other days of the week:  An appointment must be made with the residence one week prior to departure to organise the key return). The price is for accommodation alone. It is specified that weekends, short stays or mid-week stays can only be reserved on some sites just a few days from departure.

GENERAL INFORMATION: In most residences, our site managers will provide you with documentation presenting the resort and its surroundings, emergency numbers and other useful numbers (pharmacies, GPs, taxis, railway stations, etc.), but also, as and when necessary, they can provide you with board games, table tennis rackets or other leisure elements, which may be rented out upon request. The layout of sleeping areas is provided as a guide and may vary. Where the accommodation includes two numbers of people (E.g. Studio 2/4), the first figure indicates the advised number of adults for optimal comfort, whilst the second figure indicates the maximum number of people (or the advised number of adults and children). Under all circumstances, the exact number of participants and their ages should be indicated at the time of registration as some rental accommodation may be fitted out specifically for the number of people indicated. Unless otherwise clearly indicated, residence pools are open-air and are not heated, and use of the pools is subject to the compulsory wearing of swimsuits or swim trunks (it is prohibited to use the pools in shorts, t-shirts, dresses, board shorts and/or any other floating clothing or which is not exclusively intended for swimming, unless otherwise specified by decision of the condominium syndicates). Minors are under the responsibility of their parents. The opening hours for swimming pools are indicated as a guide. These are often dependent on weather conditions and the decisions made by the managing agent. In order to enable you to enjoy tourist visits during your stay, it is highly recommended or even essential to have access to a vehicle. However, some destinations may be recommended to holidaymakers who do not wish to use their car (please enquire about our services). Most residences are tourist residences which are listed or in the process of being listed (to check this, please consult the updated information on our website).
The charging of electric vehicles outside any dedicated installations is strictly prohibited, in particular by the use of the power outlets available in the housing (risk of fire due to overheating due to non-compliant connections). Any illegal connection found will be subject to a flat-rate compensation of €250.

REVIEWS LEFT ON THE WEBSITE GOELIA.COM: Every holidaymaker who has stayed in our rentals can share their review of their stay on the website goelia.com. Once posted, the review will be verified by the Goélia Quality Team at head offices before being activated (lead-time of 48 hours to 15 days, depending on the season). All reviews are published subject to the following conditions: Verification by our teams that the client did indeed stay on the dates specified in the review (to avoid false reviews from fake customers); Any review containing discriminatory, insulting or defamatory content will be rejected; Any review left without specifying a name – which will be kept anonymous online – will be rejected (impossible to verify the stay). Given the seasonal nature of Goélia’s business, any review must be posted within a maximum of three months of the stay in question. Goélia also reserves the right to contact the consumer who submitted the review in order to verify its authenticity. All reviews are published and retained for a maximum of five years, and there is no compensation granted in return for leaving a review. The information collected through this form is saved in a digital file used by the Goélia’s Marketing Department, enabling the quality of services to be monitored and for customer records to be updated. All reviews are displayed in chronological order. In compliance with the Data Protection Act, you may exercise your right to access your personal data, and to have it rectified, by contact the Goélia Data Protection Officer at 114 allée des Champs Élysées, Immeuble l’Européen – 91042 EVRY CEDEX (FR). »

GOELIA VENTES, SARL with a capital of €75,000 Registered offices: Immeuble l’Européen, 114 allée des Champs Elysées, 91042 EVRY CEDEX (FR) SIRET 435.315.353.00027 APE 7911 Represented by its Manager Patrick Labrune, is responsible for the printing and distribution of this catalogue. Stays booked in Goélia tourism and holiday residences will be confirmed and invoiced by the operating companies of the establishments concerned, subsidiaries of the Goélia Group, namely GOELIA GESTION SARL, Registered to the Travel and Tourism Operators Register under No. IM091160001) APST Financial Guarantee (SIRET 435.285.077.00010), OCEALIA RESIDENCES (SIRET 448.719.419.00013), GOELIA SAINT FRANCOIS (SIRET 444.424.279.00024), LA PINEDE (SIRET 481.702.074.00024), CORSELIA RESIDENCES (SIRET 810.606.509.00018). TCR of Allianz Iard, 87 rue de Richelieu, 75 002 Paris (FR), policy No. 42801277.

Stays reserved in “partner” tourism and holiday residences will be confirmed and invoiced by GOELIA VENTES SARL, register in the Travel and Tourism Operators Register under No. IM091100031, APST Financial Guarantee.


➢ Map of France of Goélia residences

➢ How to book ?

➢ Cancellation or multi-risk insurance

Secured payment